My son Hsiang Hsiang

Friday, July 27, 2007

Skip to My Lou

翔翔的幼稚園英文老師有教英文兒歌並且給了 一張CD及DVD. 我們在家播DVD時, 裡面有一首歌名為 Skip to My Lou. 歌名翻譯為 " 快來吧我的愛! ". 所以原先以為Lou這個字就是Love, 只是口語的用法. 但是想想Love這個字, 小孩子都還不懂意思, 為何要教他們用Lou? 所以上網查了字典, 居然沒這個字. 再查相關網頁及知識, 發現有好多解釋, 不盡相同.

有說 Skip to My Lou 是 " 跳呀跳 " , " 回到我身邊 " , 也有各種解釋, 而很難知道其原意. 真是奇怪, 再者, 兒歌歌詞也有很多版本. 先將DVD的歌詞列如下:

Skip, skip, skip to my Lou,
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou,
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Fly's in the buttermilk, Shoo, fly, shoo,
Fly's in the buttermilk, Shoo, fly, shoo,
Fly's in the buttermilk, Shoo, fly, shoo,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Shoo fly, don't bother me,
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
Shoo fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody.

萱姑姑補充: 有版本唱此句為
Fly away to somebody.

I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star,
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star,
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star,

Skip, skip, skip to my Lou,
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou,
Skip, skip, skip to my Lou,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Cows in the cornfield, What'll I do?
Cows in the cornfield, What'll I do?
Cows in the cornfield, What'll I do?
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

在網路上還有發現其他版本的歌詞, * 至 * 之內 :

There's a little red wagon, Paint it blue,
There's a little red wagon, Paint it blue,
There's a little red wagon, Paint it blue,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Cat's in the cream jar, Ooh, ooh, ooh,
Cat's in the cream jar, Ooh, ooh, ooh,
Cat's in the cream jar, Ooh, ooh, ooh,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Off to Texas, Two by two,
Off to Texas, Two by two,
Off to Texas, Two by two,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Can't get a red bird, Jay bird'll do,
Can't get a red bird, Jay bird'll do,
Can't get a red bird, Jay bird'll do,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Flies in the sugarbowl, shoo, shoo, shoo.
Flies in the sugarbowl, shoo, shoo, shoo.
Flies in the sugarbowl, shoo, shoo, shoo.
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Lost my partner, What'll I do?
Lost my partner, What'll I do?
Lost my partner, What'll I do?
Skip to my lou, my darling.

I'll get another one, Prettier than you,
I'll get another one, Prettier than you,
I'll get another one, Prettier than you,
Skip to my Lou, my darling.

Choose your partners, Skip to my Lou,
Choose your partners, Skip to my Lou,
Choose your partners, Skip to my Lou,
Skip to my Lou my darling.

I lost my girl, now what'll I do?
I lost my girl, now what'll I do?
I lost my girl, now what'll I do?
Skip to my Lou my darling.

I'll get another, a sweeter one too,
I'll get another, a sweeter one too,
I'll get another, a sweeter one too,
Skip to my Lou my darling.

後來看到一篇Blog記述此歌詞時, 貼了一張小孩子跳繩的圖片, 我想, 這首兒歌可能是西方小孩在玩跳繩遊戲時所常唱的兒歌.


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